The Shediac Bay Watershed Association is a non-profit environmental organization that works to protect and enhance the Shediac Bay Watershed. The organisation envisions communities working together to foster healthy ecosystems that will sustain the quality of water for future generations.

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Membership is free

Contact Us

Shediac Bay Watershed Association
612 Main St., Suite D Shediac, NB E4P 2H3

You can reach us by phone at 506 533-8880
or you can use the form below and we will get back to you by email.

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Latest news

School field trip for marsh education

School field trip for marsh education

On October 11, a school field trip was organized with grade 10 students from L.J.R. High School to visit a salt marsh in Pointe-du-Chêne. A presentation was given on the various species living in the marsh, including plants, birds, fish, insects and others. They also...

Adopt-A-River Fieldtrip 2019

Adopt-A-River Fieldtrip 2019

Again this year, we partnered with the Shediac Cape School for a field trip as part of the Adopt-A-River Program. Thursday and Friday of last week, two groups of 7th grade students spent a good part of the day at Edna’s Pond on the Scoudouc River. They learned about...

Eelgrass Video

Eelgrass Video

The presence of eelgrass in Shediac Bay has significant ecological value. Many species depend on this aquatic plant for food, shelter and reproduction. To monitor its evolution and health, the Association has been participating in the

Naturalized retention pond

Naturalized retention pond

Our team has just completed the transformation of a stormwater drainage basin into a naturalized retention pond located at the Shediac municipal garage. We added gravel and soil to retain the excess water so it can be absorbed into the soil instead of...

Annual General Meeting

Annual General Meeting

Thanks to everyone who attended our annual general meeting last Thursday. We presented last year’s projects and accomplishments and celebrated the 20th anniversary of the Association. We also took the opportunity to recognize some of the people who have contributed to...

Beach Sweep 2019

Beach Sweep 2019

The annual beach cleanup event organized by the SBWA in partnership with the Town of Shediac and the Yacht Shediac Bay Yacht Club was held Saturday. Thanks to the volunteers who came out to help us clean our coastline! We also wish to thank our sponsors...

Job Offer – Summer research student

Would you like to do concrete work to help the environment? Does your ideal job include spending the summer outside in rivers and the Shediac Bay? The Shediac Bay Watershed Association is looking for summer students to help monitor and improve the aquatic...