The Shediac Bay Watershed Association has released its annual report on Green Crab monitoring. The Green Crab is an invasive species that is found in the Shediac Bay . It has been the cause of detrimental habitat destruction in other parts of the Maritime Provinces.
We have been monitoring Green Crab populations in Shediac Bay since 2013. There was a slight increase in the number of crabs in our sampling sites in 2020 (168) compared to 2019 (127). However, the highest number of crabs were captured during the 2016 (928) and 2017 (608) seasons. Detailed results are available in the report on our website.
This monitoring is done in conjunction with eelgrass surveys to detect any changes in the marine habitat caused by the crabs. These surveys are possible with the support of the NB Wildlife Trust Fund and the NB Environmental Trust Fund.
Follow this link to read the report